
Showing posts from October, 2021

What i wore in October

 What i wore in October So again with the attempt to prove to myself i don't need to buy clothes i spent £82 on exactly that.  But here I'm going to justify... 2 pairs of black jeans - for work (ripped another pair they don't last me long) underwear... and i got a pair of boots re-heeled- which i though was a better option to buying a new pair.

October Empties

  October Empties Finished a few long tail items this month long with a bunch of samples which I'm really pleased to clear out.  my aim for next month is to start using up the smaller sample / travel size items before the end of the year.

What I wore September

September  ok so i've been back at work. I wore a total or 31 items  I purchased a new scarf and some pj bottoms for £28 i'm surprised with the fact that over half the items I only wore once in the month  how has everyone else done?