
April Empties

  Very happy with this months perfume samples that are now gone! managed to use these up by putting them my work bag and using them as top ups though out the day. I also got a set of egg bath bombs for easter they smell amazing and I didn't want to wait to use them so I did stop using my current bath stuff to use these :D jan -red feb - orange mar-yellow April - green

March Empties

March Empties so crossed off  Jan - red Feb - orange March - yellow I also came to the end of a few make up items here's an over view with a few bits that maybe aren't represented above picked up a few sampled out and about recently that I don't want hanging around for too long so my aim for April is to use up some of those.  

No Buy March - Major Opssss

 No Buy March Don't know if I can still give this post the No Buy title to be honest. Massively fell off the wagon this month. so all I can say is that I should have shares in the corner shop near work. But April is a new month and time to go again! 

Feb 2022 Empties

Feb 2022 so red crosses are jan orange are feb   

No buy! - Feb 2022 update

No buy nooooooo  this month I slipped up 3 times! (it was 4 but I sent the item back 😂id bought a jacket)  what I bought was junk food drinks, chips and chocolate from the corner shop did I need it? nope  I did go out quite a bit this month and spend a fair bit. but i'm not including days out / experiences I can buy tickets and eat out with friends but a fail is when I just buy junk   

Jan Empties 2022

So I took a bit of and inventory at the beginning of 2022 and created this graphic (yes it did take me all morning)  I have crossed off what I used up in January in red. i'm very happy, I managed to stick to my no buy in this area as you can clearly see I don't need anything but I did manage to avoid the temptation of the January sales. and here all the products I used up (some samples and bits that I didn't include in the other graphic for the year.) And here's the make up. I really want to see how long some products last me. I'm not looking to try and use any of these up as I use them daily so the longer they last me the better.   

No buy year / No buy month

  No buy year / No buy month So 2022 the year I was hyped up to do a no buy year. But half way through month one I found myself wishing my life away. I found the prospect so daunting.  So let’s take each month as it comes.  Im starting this year with a no buy MONTH. I had already failed in 2021 but I have learnt that I set my rules far too high. I made it that buying someone a birthday gift was a red day, a fail. So if I had failed that day my head said why not buy more, all the stuff I had saved up in my amazon wish list for example. (Reflecting on the things I did buy last year non of it was essential) So my rules regarding my weakness areas this year are No clothes unless I’m on my last of that essential item No toiletries/make up  unless I’m on my last of that essential item No non essential food no corner shop trips on my lunch break for snacks But I am going to allow myself days out / meals with friends. Social events. This is my year of using stuff up and wearin