What I wore this month - February

Ok month 2, so i've been logging what i've been wearing using an app called style book.
this is the calendar layout.

here is my most worn items of the month - this is interesting and i'm learning what I gravitate towards wearing and when shopping im more likely to buy things i'll actually wear rather than shopping for my fantasy self.

here is it in revers so my least worn items - looking at the weather this month I started wearing some of my lighter jumpers and trainers instead of boots. (British weather) 

this tells me cost per wear so since buying the item this calculates how many times I've logged it on my calender as worn - telling my my cost per wear. unfortunately some of the items I can't remember what I paid.

this really hi lights to me that I don't need to buy clothes as i'm only wear about 10% of my wardrobe
ONLY 23 different item in the month of feb



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