Ok so after looking at my clothes at the beginning of the year I told myself I didn't need any more clothes.
but still looking at my finances 9 months in I can see I still couldn't stop myself buying.
so to hold myself accountable for future purchased i'm going to see if I can justify / explain my reasoning for buying.

so in January pay day came I just changed jobs and though yes I need some jumpers for work.

I have worn the teal one a total of 3 times, the grey is still in the plastic. I didn't like it at all the knit was stretchy and you can't roll your sleeves up. I ended up giving them both to my cousin.
still in January we had some pretty rubbish wether so I got some dr marten boots
I ordered the wrong size due to covid restrictions as you couldn't go and try them on so ended up selling on and buying the correct size.
happy with this purchase still wear them a lot I know they're pricey.
looking at my style book app I have worn them 47 times since purchasing.
I needed brown boots too I have bought these for years and get them reheeled when still good enough to I wear them ALOT 70 times aparently

bought a jean jacket not worn it yet 😬
February I spent nothing on clothing
March however...
I bought two pairs of black skinny jeans as I managed to rip a hole in the knee of my current pair. I think justifiable there for work.
then I discovered Shein 😬

well lets just say the quality is hit and miss I have worn 3 of this items grey stripy once not amazing the pink grey and white twice the Burgundy stripe 3 times the black tank went back the cardigan I bought for my fantasy self not sure if ill ever wear it and the plum tank I wore in a wardrobe emergency when I got a whole in a top I was wearing out I happened to have it in the car.
not proud of this and prob steering clear of shein.
April I just got some underwear justifiable.
may I was good
primark cami tops I wear these under everything!
I got like 7 when the shops re opened
weather was warm at work so worn 14 days (yes im surprised here in the uk we had that many warm days)
Only top I really like this worn 6 times
ok this needed explaining
I really like these slippers and there normally quiet prices so I save them to my amazon wish list and then purchase in the year when they drop in price.
and some navy chinos worn twice 😬
did a primark run bought 2 of these types of tops and have worn
did a next order this was all I kept still not worn yet
got a low offer on this so bought on ebay
and finally

ordered this lot from amazon worn 2 out of the 4 so far but its early day
so as a total from January to September 2021 I have spent
on clothing I prob didn't need!
I feel like only 10% I like and wear from this 🙈
i'm hoping by doing this it will stop me spending for the rest of the year!
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